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💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第16發:熱愛台灣詩的美國學者白瑞梅(Amie Parry) 「我在加州內陸地區一個叫做聖伯納迪諾的小城市長大,隨後在聖地牙哥念大學和研究所,並獲得文學博士學位。求學期間我...

[Paris pastry news / 巴黎甜點新聞] Patrick Roger 2019 Easter collection / 巧克力大師Patrick Roger 2019年復活節系列創作(中文請按「繼續閱讀」) I was really happy to have got invited last evening for discovering the MOF Chocolatier Patrick Roger's creations for Easter this year. The chef chocolatier is a master in chocolate sculptures as well as in delicious chocolate making. He started his career in a local bakery Maurice Boulay. He worked as a pastry chef in his early days and gradually switched his interest to chocolate and has devoted himself since then. In year 1994, he won the "Grand Prix International de la chocolaterie" and in 2000 he was crowned as a MOF (Meilleur Ouvrier de France) chocolatier. Having been admiring the chef's breathtaking work for years, it was the first time that I got to see him in person and talk to him, which was absolutely inpsiring. He's a real artist genuinely intrigued by the power of nature. His reflections on the connection between human beings and nature are transformed into artworks in different forms, be it abstract or not. For this year's Easter collection, the chef chocolatier has presented a series of creations inspired by this wonderful time of the year. Easter eggs, marzipan animals, chocolate scupltures that come in different sizes and shapes with a dash of humor, such as tinned sardines, hedgehogs, and chickens filled with mini chocolate fish. I've taken lots of pictures as usual, but this time I'm going to present them in a short video since I'm learning multimedia editings. Please leave your comment below and let me know if you like it or you still prefer photos! 昨天受邀參加巧克力大師Patrick Roger的復活節創作發表,大師也很親切地與我聊了一會,分享了自己的創作理念,並表達對目前人與自然之間的關係惡化感到憂慮。 Patrick Roger是一位真正的藝術家,他原本是學甜點出身,後來在工作中逐漸發現自己對巧克力的熱愛,開始轉向專注於巧克力領域。他在1994年獲得國際巧克力大賽(Coup du monde de chocolat)桂冠、2000年更獲得法國最佳工藝職人-巧克力師(MOF, Meilleur Ouvrier de France)的榮銜。除了美味的巧克力外,他更以巧克力雕塑家之姿聞名全球。在他巴黎的店裡總是可以看到雷霆萬鈞、令人震撼的巨型巧克力雕塑。 今年的復活節,Patrick Roger主廚推出了一系列的作品:巧克力復活節蛋、巧克力動物雕塑、杏仁膏動物、以及魚形榛果帕林內巧克力。除了有幽默的沙丁魚罐頭造型的巧克力外,最可愛的莫過於刺蝟(les horissons)巧克力雕塑了。 我照了不少照片,但因為正在研究各種影片編輯方法,這次先做成影片和大家分享。也要請大家留言告訴我是否喜歡這樣的影音方式,還是仍然偏愛靜態的照片😊 #yingspastryguide #paris #chocolat #chocolatier #patrickroger #paques2019 #復活節 #巧克力 #巴黎

[Paris pastry news / 巴黎甜點新聞] Patrick Roger 2019 Ea...

🔊 點擊聽發音 ❤️ 喜歡按愛心 【plant-based diet 蔬食】 I switched to a mainly plant-based diet after watching the documentary The Game Changer. (在看完《茹素的力量》一片後,我的飲食便調整為以蔬食為主) ❓plant-based diet 跟 vegetarian diet 差別是什麼 💡直接看這兩者的盤中食物,差異不會太大,但有一些細微差異 💡plant-based diet 強調多吃蔬果植物類食物,盤中可能有少許葷食 💡vegetarian 強調的是不吃葷食 👇以下整理各類素食主義的英文👇 💡Buddhist vegetarianism (中文的)全素 💡vegan 五辛素 💡vegetarian 蛋奶素 + 奶素 + 蛋素 💡lacto-ovo 奶蛋素 💡lacto 奶素 💡ovo vegetarians 蛋素 💡pesco vegetarians, or pescatarians 海鮮素 👆沒必要一次背起來,儲存貼文,將來備查吧👆 💡右滑為 plant-based diet 的圖片,記住這些五顏六色的食物,不用死背 plant-based diet 的翻譯喔! 【留言練習】你會怎麼翻譯「蔬食與素食十分相近,但並非完全相同」呢?期待看到你的留言 😊 #賓狗發音教室 的單字選自我們的 #5個單字系列 ,「5 個單字系列」結合新聞議題及英文單字,「賓狗發音教室」著重單字發音及用法。全部服用,效果最好 😂❤️ 也歡迎追蹤 @bingobilingual_bb ,5 個單字,帶你掌握時事、認識世界 😊 這篇貼文的相應 podcast 集數為營養食間 EP1 喔!歡迎到 Firstory、Spotify 或 Apple Podcast 搜尋「營養食間」,或是追蹤 @eatinnutrition 瞭解素食相關資訊✨� #plantbaseddiet #vegan #vegetarian #差別 #bingobilingual #英文單字 #學英文 #英文學習 #單字卡 #英文發音 #英文 #翻譯

🔊 點擊聽發音 ❤️ 喜歡按愛心 【plant-based diet 蔬食】 I switched...